Planning of an innovative program is well underway and we invite you to sign up for email updates so we can inform you when the preliminary program is available to view.

Structural Heart Nurses Symposium

0700 - 1700

Registration Desk Open

0815 - 0830 

Welcome and Objectives, Barb Copus

0830 - 1030

From Paddock to patient.

Introduction, Barb Copus
Paddock, Bruce Hutchinson
Safety and Quality, Bimal Kishor
What happens next? Megan Leishman
Workup/Choosing a valve, Barb Copus
My TAVI, Peter Hale and Barb Copus

1030 - 1100

Morning Tea

1100 - 1130

LAA – current status, new technologies, Glenn Young

1130 - 1230


The SHAPE study – AU mapping of SHD role, Nicola Straiton

Structural Heart Nurses roles – US study, Lorelle Martin

Cognition and TAVI - RAH, Monique Boord

1230 - 1330


1330 - 1400

ACOR TAVI Registry, Tamara Hooper

1400 - 1430

New technology - From drawing board to First in Man. Trials and tribulations, Stephen Worthley

1430 - 1500

What’s happening in other Valve Technology. Mitral, Pulmonic, Triscuspid, David Muller

1500 - 1530

Renal Denervation is back, Sharad Shetty

1530 - 1545 Afternoon Tea
1545 - 1645

Divide into groups. Where to from here?

Group 1: SHN Role, Roxy Johnston

Group 2: Education, Carolyn Naismith

Group 3: Research, Nicola Straiton

Group 4: Protocols, Lea Callan

Group 5: ACOR Registry, Tamara Hooper / Anita Deakin

1645 - 1700 Closing, Barb Copus
1700 - 1800 Post-Symposium Drinks and Canapés


Friday 9th August

0700 - 1800

Registration Desk Open

0730 - 0815

Sponsored Breakfast Sessions - Click here for session details

0950 - 1000

ANZET Opening Ceremony

1000 - 1030 Louis Bernstein Lecture
Chicken or the Egg: The delicate balance between innovation and data, William Lombardi, USA
1030 - 1200 Live Case Session - The Alfred Hospital

1200 - 1400

Lunch and Mini Orals - Exhibition Area

1245 - 1345

Sponsored Lunch Session

1400 - 1415

Lecture 2
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection, Jacqueline Saw, Canada

1415 - 1500

ANZET Early Career Research Competition


1500 - 1510

1510 - 1520

1520 - 1530

ANZET18 Live Cases: 1 year outcomes

Live Cases from The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Nick Aroney QLD

Live Cases from Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Ravinay Bhindi, NSW

Live Cases from Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast

1530 - 1600

Afternoon Tea
Exhibition Area

1600 - 1715

Live Case Session - Leipzig Heart Centre

1715 - 1730

Lecture 3
Valve-in-valve intervention, Simon Redwood, UK

1730 - 1745

Lecture 4
LAA closure: Where are we up to with the evidence, Jacqueline Saw, Canada 

1745 - 1800

Lecture 5
Cathlab research: How to succeed, Simon Redwood, UK      

1740 - 1840

Mini Oral Presentations and Poster Session

1930 - Late

ANZET Gala Dinner
Panorama Ballroom, Adelaide Convention Centre


Saturday 10th August

0700 - 1800

Registration Desk Open

0730 - 0815

Interventional Breakfast
Combination anti-thombotic therapy for the interventionalist:  Where are we now? Derek Chew

Lipid Management post Intervention. What should be our target and is there a role for PCSK9 inhibitors? Philip Aylward

0830 - 0850

Lecture 6 
Innovations in Interventional Cardiology, Alan Yeung, USA 

0850 - 0910 Lecture 7
Cardiogenic shock and management by mechanical circulatory support, David McGiffin, VIC
0910 - 1030 Live Case Session - Monash Medical Centre

1030 - 1100

Morning Tea
Exhibition Area

1100 - 1115

Lecture 8
Improving health care quality in the cath lab - lessons from the airline industry, William Lombardi, USA

1115 - 1130

Lecture 9
Coronary calcification - the Achilles heel of the interventionist, Alan Yeung, USA

1130 - 1215




Geoff Mews Memorial Fellows' Prize Abstracts 

Emergency endovascular treatment of spontaneous aorto-saphenous venous graft rupture, Thato Mabote, WA

Successful angioplasty of a vein graft in-stent restenosis using rotational atherectomy, Udaya Ponangi, QLD

Straight between the posts: A case of acute coronary syndrome complicating transcaval TAVI, Pankaj Jain, NSW

1215 - 1330

Lunch and Mini Oral sessions 
Exhibition Area

1215 - 1315

CSANZ AGM and Prize Ceremony
Halls C and D

1215 - 1315

Industry Lunch Sessions

1330 - 1500

ANZET Wet Lab - more details
Live feed also available in Hall L

1330 - 1400

1400 - 1430

1430 - 1500

ANZET Workshop Session 1- more details

ANZET Workshop Session 2 - more details

ANZET Workshop Session 3 - more details

 1500 - 1530

Afternoon Tea 
Exhibition Area

1530 - 1700

ANZET/CSANZ joint session: Interventional session for general cardiologists
Click here for session details

1530 - 1545

Lecture 10
Low-risk TAVI: What's Next? Simon Redwood, UK

1545 - 1615

Point/Counterpoint: Cerebral protection for TAVI: an essential tool 

Pro: Alan Yeung, USA
Con: Simon Redwood, UK
Moderator: Jacqueline Saw, Canada

1615 - 1630

Lecture 11
Interventional echo imaging for the aortic and mitral valve: state of the art, Partho Sengupta, USA 

1630 - 1740

Live Case Session - Monash Medical Centre

1745 - 1845

Interventional Council AGM
Riverbank Rooms 6 and 7

1745 - 1845

Interventional Nurses Council AGM
Riverbank Room 4

Sunday 11th August

Affiliates' Symposium program
Structural Symposium program
Coronary Symposium program

Affiliates' Symposium

0900 - 1030

Chairs: Barbara Copus, SA and Jim Crowhurst, QLD

0900 - 0930

Cardiogenic shock, oxygen therapy and circulatory support in MI, David Sparv, Sweden

0930 - 1000 Management of Different types of circulatory support in the CCL IABP vs Impella vs ECMO, Helen McMillan, USA
1000 - 1015 Cardiac Arrest in the Cath lab – which model of care do we adopt? Deb Bick, NSW
1015 - 1030 Trends in Pre-hospital Notification (PHN) in ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) and Clinical outcomes – Longitudinal Study, Michael Savage, QLD
1030 - 1100 Morning Tea - Exhibition Area
1100 - 1230 Chairs: Barbara Copus, SA and Jim Crowhurst, QLD, David Sparv, Sweden
1100 - 1130 Quality in the cath lab: What is needed to establish a quality programme? David Sparv, Sweden
1130 - 1155

Panel discussion: Staffing and quality in the cath lab  
Julie Parkinson, NSW
Deb Bick, NSW
Lea Callan, NZ

1155 - 1210

Radiation metrics in the cath labs, what are all the different measures and which are important? Jim Crowhurst, QLD

1210 - 1225 The journey to a new hospital, Barbara Copus, SA
1225 - 1230 Closing, Barb Copus, SA and Jim Crowhurst, QLD
1240 - 1330 Lunchtime Plenary Session 
Lunch available in-session
My most interesting, instructive, imposing or impressive case and Meeting close
1240 - 1250 Alan Yeung, USA
1250 - 1300 Simon Redwood, UK 
1300 - 1310 Jacqueline SawCanada
1310 - 1320 William Lombardi, USA
1320 - 1330 Meeting Close



Structural Symposium

0900 - 1030

Chairs: Tony Walton, VIC and Rohan Bhagwandeen, NSW

0900 - 0920

TAVI durability, Dion Stub, VIC

0920 - 0940 Valve in valve TAVR, Alan Yeung, USA
0940 - 1000 How to tackle bicuspid anatomy, Darren Walters, QLD
1000 - 1015 Vascular access in contemporary TAVI, Ajay Sinhal, SA
1015 - 1030 Trans-caval TAVI – step by step, Simon Redwood, UK 
1030 - 1100 Morning Tea - Exhibition Area
1100 - 1230

Anything but TAVI
Chairs: David Muller and Sharad Shetty

1100 - 1120

Evolving trans-catheter Mitral therapies, Simon Redwood,UK

1120 - 1140 Mitraclip after COAPT and Mitra FR, Tony Walton, VIC
1140 - 1200 Management of complications with LAA closure, Jacqueline Saw, Canada
1200 - 1215 Paravalvular leaks
1215 - 1230 How to do a tricuspid valve in valve, Sanjeevan Pasupati, NZ
1240 - 1330 Lunchtime Plenary Session
Lunch available in-session 
My most interesting, instructive, imposing or impressive case and Meeting close
See Affiliates' Symposium for details


Coronary Symposium

0900 - 1030

Chairs: Omar Farouque, VIC and Sidney Lo, NSW

0900 - 0915

Controversies and pitfalls in coronary physiology, Abdul Ihdayhid, VIC

0915 - 0930 The evidence is clear, IVUS should be routine in complex PCI, Scott Harding, NZ 
0930 - 0945 Contrast nephropathy and Ultra low contrast PCI, David Clark, VIC
0945 - 1000 Bailout bifurcation stenting, Nigel Jepson, NSW 
1000 - 1015 Optimising outcomes in left main PCI, Alan Yeung, USA 
1015 - 1030 Panel Discussion
1030 - 1100 Morning Tea - Exhibition Area
1100 - 1230 Chairs: Scott Harding, NZ and Wiliam Lombardi, USA
1100 - 1115 CTO PCI – where are we in 2019, James Sapontis, VIC 
1115 - 1130 Shock wave – the solution to calcified lesions? Jithendra Somaratne, NZ
1130 - 1145 Current role of drug coated balloons 
1145 - 1200 CHIP, what is it? Who should have it? And who should do it? William Lombardi, USA
1200 - 1215 Complication management all PCI operators should know 
1215 - 1230 Panel Discussion
1240 - 1330 Lunchtime Plenary Session
Lunch available in-session 
My most interesting, instructive, imposing or impressive case and Meeting close 
See Affiliates' Symposium for details



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