Presentations and Poster Guidelines

Presentations and Poster Guidelines

If you are participating as either a speaker or poster presenter at the CSANZ ASM, please read through the information below. If you have any queries please contact


All presenting authors (oral and poster) must register and pay for the Meeting.  Meeting registration is available now. You can register by clicking here.

In order to allow us to include your details in the published Meeting Handbook and have your abstract included in the Meetings proceedings note that you needed to have registered no later than 21st June 2019.  Otherwise we regret that your presentation may have been removed from the program.

If you decide to withdraw your abstract, please advise us as soon as possible so that the program can be adjusted accordingly.

Oral Presentations

Your oral presentation is comprised of a presentation followed by questions and answers. Please refer to your confirmation email for your oral duration.

Slide Setup

Please save your slide setup in 16:9 ratio (widescreen) to fit the projection being used. 

The first slide of your presentation is required to be your Disclosure Statement. Please select the ONE disclosure slide that is appropriate and insert this slide into your presentation.

Please click here for the Disclosure Slides and slide template. 

The two slide options are:

Slide One

• In accordance with the policy of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand the following presenter has indicated that they have a relationship which in the context of their presentation, could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest but do not consider that it will influence their presentation. The nature of the conflict is listed:

• INSERT NATURE OF CONFLICT HERE – for example: Spokesperson for a particular drug, funding grants from companies

Slide Two

• The presenter has advised that the following presentation will NOT include discussion on any commercial products or service and that there are NO financial interests or relationships with any of the Commercial Supporters of this year's ASM.

At the Venue

Your venue will be equipped with a laptop and data projector and you will have the choice of a lectern microphone, lapel microphone or handheld microphone.  If you require any other equipment please advise us ( The venue is also set up for Mac users, although presenters are required to supply the necessary dongle to facilitate this.

Please load your presentation at the speaker’s preparation room (Skyway Room 1) at least 2 hours prior to your presentation.  We recommend bringing two copies of your presentation on two separate memory sticks.

The room will be open at the following times:

Thursday 8 August: 0730 - 1800hrs
Friday 9 August: 0700 - 1730hrs
Saturday 10 August: 0700 - 1700hrs
Sunday 11 August: 0730 - 1130hrs

Mini Oral Presentations

Please ensure you follow all of the above Oral Presentation Guidelines. Chair persons have been asked to enforce the times of each presentation. To achieve this please note the following instructions:

  1. Please load your presentation in the Theatrette you are presenting in during the morning/afternoon tea break immediately prior to the session. Your mini oral Theatrette has been sent to you in email with your presentation details.
  2. Please ensure you are in the allocated theatrette at the start of the mini-oral session you are presenting in. Please see The Conference Company team member who will advise you where to sit.
  3. Please use the Powerpoint template for your mini-oral presentation, where a maximum of 4 slides is permissible (including the title/disclosure slide). All information must appear on each slide, sequential builds are not to be used.
  4. Three minutes have been allocated for your presentation. There will be a count down clock on the screen and the screen will switch off at 3 minutes and 30 seconds if you go over time.
  5. At 3 minutes a buzzer will sound and you will have the opportunity to answer a few questions.
  6. At 5 minutes the next presentation will appear on the screen. The chair will thank you and introduce the next speaker. 

Please click here for the Mini Oral Template and Disclosure Slides

Poster Presentations

Posters will be on display from 0930hrs Friday to 1330hrs Sunday. You are requested to hang your poster by 0830hrs on Friday 9th August.  There is one dedicated Poster Session scheduled from 1740 - 1840hrs on Friday 9th August.  Presenters are expected to be by their poster during this session and also during the lunch breaks on both Friday and Saturday if possible. 

At completion of the poster presentations all authors are responsible for removing their posters from the poster hall. Please do not remove your poster until 1700hrs Saturday. All posters must be removed by 1330hrs Sunday, all uncollected posters will be destroyed.

The poster should be self-explanatory, so that you are free to supplement and discuss particular points raised by viewers.  Remember that your material/illustrations will be viewed from distances of one metre or more.  Lettering should be as large as possible and preferably in bold type.

SIMPLICITY is the key:

Brief captions, tables that are few in number but clear, succinct text.


Each poster is limited in size to 841 wide x 1189mm high (millimetres) and portrait orientation is required. Nothing larger can be accommodated.

Poster boards will be Velcro compatible.


INITIAL SKETCH. Plan your poster early.  Focus your attention on a few key points.  Try various styles of data presentation to achieve clarity and simplicity.  Does the use of colour help?  What needs to be expressed in words?

ROUGH LAYOUT. Enlarge your best initial sketch, keeping the dimensions in proportion to the final poster.  Ideally, the rough layout should be full size.  Draw rough graphs and tables.  This will give you an idea of proportions and balance.

FINAL LAYOUT. The artwork is complete.  The text and tables are typed but not necessarily enlarged to full size.  Now ask - "Is the message clear?  Do the important points stand out?  Is there a balance between words and illustrations?  Is the pathway through the poster clear?"

BALANCE.  The figures and tables ought to cover slightly more than 50% of the poster area.  If you have only a few illustrations, make them large.  Do not omit text, but keep it brief.  The poster should be understandable without oral explanation.

TYPOGRAPHY. Avoid abbreviations, acronyms and jargon.  Use a consistent type-style throughout.  Use large type, for example HELVETICA.  A 22mm x 30mm sheet photo statically enlarged 50% makes text readable from 1.5 metres.

MOVEMENT. The movement (pathway) of the eye over the poster ought to be natural (down columns and along rows).  Size attracts attention.  Arrows, hands, numbers and symbols can clarify sequence.

SIMPLICITY. Do not overload the poster.  More material may mean less communication.  Ask yourself, what do I want the viewer to remember?

You will be issued with a poster board number in July 2019.

If you have any queries please contact The Conference Company via email:

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